The Patriot Post Shop
Desdichado, An Echo of Stolen Thunder
Desdichado, An Echo of Stolen Thunder
Free shipping and insurance. With the purchase of each etching is included the extraordinary bonus of a copy of Childers book, [Roadsongs](, a $160 value. Both etching and book are signed and numbered by the artist.
Desdichado, An Echo of Stolen Thunder Malcolm Childers “Sometimes all of this effort will go well for you in the marketplace, and so improve your chances against fate, federal and private financial finaglers, and other freaks of nature. Sometimes it doesn't.” Image size 22 1/2" X 16 1/2" Edition of 260 impressions plus 40 proofs, hand-pulled by the artist, on 30" X 22" Arjomari paper stock (214 numbered impressions on Arches Cover, 20 numbered impressions on Arches Buff and 26 numbered impressions on BFK Rives). Curation completed, February 1992. Plate canceled, September 1993. Expedited shipping not available for this product.