The Patriot Post Shop
The Ides of Gratification
The Ides of Gratification
Free shipping and insurance. With the purchase of each etching is included the extraordinary bonus of a copy of Childers book, [Roadsongs](, a $160 value. Both etching and book are numbered and signed by the artist.
The Ides of Gratification
Malcolm Childers “Hmm, 30 years. Say, that's what I call roots. It certainly is easy to see why you'd like this place. Nice view of the river and all.” Image size: 16 5/8" X 23 3/8" Edition of 250 impressions plus 47 proofs, hand-pulled by the artist, on 22" X 30" Arches Cover. Curation completed, December 1991. There was an earlier group of test prints pulled from two experimental plates. Plates canceled, January 1995. Expedited shipping not available for this product.