Airstrike - Jason Fetko
Patriot Seal license plate
Patriot Seal license plate
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We are proud to offer our Patriot Seal license plate, the best looking logo anywhere! Handsome and well-made in the U.S.A., the plate is 6" x 12" .032 gauge heavy duty aluminum with a protective UV coating.
Each plate weighs 5 oz. Our Latin motto is Veritas vos Liberabit (WAIR-ih-tahss wohss lee-beh-RAH-bit or VAIR-ih-tahss vohss lee-beh-RAH-bit) which translates "The truth will make you free" from John 8:31-32 where Jesus is speaking to John, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Combining mottos of our branches of Armed Services, Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus, and Fidelis means Always Vigilant, Brave, Prepared and Faithful.